Tackle your relationship struggles with this free resources

Is divorce right for you?

Take the Marriage Type Quiz

The quiz will tell you the 3 most important things you must do, in your specific situation.

Your marriage is stressing you out, but…

Don’t know what to do?

Watch this video that will reveal you 3 secret that will help you to make an important decision about your marriage

From miserable marriage to blissful relationship.
Without making lawyers rich.

I’m quite confused

Is my marriage ok? Is this what a marriage is supposed to be?

The Marriage Health Evaluation Test will diagnose the level of stress of your relationship.


But a divorce can be costly

$30, $50… $70,000 and up

True. Unfortunately, lawyers and the judicial system stand by your side from a legal point of view, but neither provide you with a strategy that is friendly to your bank account. Especially if your spouse is uncooperative, your divorce could end up costing you $30, $50… $70,000 and even more, and it could drag on for years.

Not if you stay on the Divorce Road.

I’m Franco Varone

Certified Life Coach

Awarded Engineer


Proud Single Parent

Professional Certified Coach Seal - The LIFE COACH SCHOOL

“Set yourself free to love again”

Why you need coaching

Many people stay in unhealthy relationships because of some emotional pressure: guilt for ending the relationship, fear of never finding love (again), worry for the children’s future, just to name a few.

As your coach, I will assist you in putting your finger on bad habits and correcting them, and in dismantling limiting beliefs that keep you stuck in a rut or make you overcompensate, perpetuating undesirable results.

Want to skip the line?

Schedule a FREE strategy call and discover the customized plan we can create for you to confidently navigate a divorce, end the toxicity of your marriage, and achieve a peaceful life.

Learn More

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